✔ 62 Alumnos matriculados
- Duración del Curso: 90 h
- Tutor personal para resolver tus dudas
- 100% online: Acceso las 24 h del día
- Titulación Certificada tras superar con éxito las Evaluaciones
- Plazo máximo para la realización del curso: 6 meses
- Modalidad: Online
39,00 €
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Te presentamos el Curso de Inglés A1 - Preparación a la Acreditación.
Con una duración de 90 horas, este curso está diseñado para brindarte los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para prepararte a la acreditación de nivel básico Inglés A1, para comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas y frases sencillas en inglés. Al final del curso, serás capaz de presentarte a ti mismo, solicitar o brindar información personal básica y relacionarte de forma elemental.
A lo largo de las 8 unidades, aprenderás sobre el verbo "to be", los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombres interrogativos, las formas interrogativas y negativas, el verbo
"to have to", el genitivo sajón, el plural de sustantivos, el presente simple, los pronombres personales, los adjetivos demostrativos, el presente continuo, el verbo "can", el pasado del verbo
"to be", el pasado simple, verbos regulares e irregulares, preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo, y el verbo "like".
Cada unidad incluye presentaciones, prácticas de escucha, escritura, gramática, vocabulario y pronunciación, así como un cuestionario para evaluar tus objetivos didácticos. Desde
aprender sobre el alfabeto y los números hasta describir tu rutina diaria y escribir una composición sobre ti mismo, este curso te brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar tus habilidades
lingüísticas de manera completa.
No pierdas la oportunidad de mejorar tus habilidades en inglés y prepararte para la acreditación.
Al finalizar el Curso de Ingles A1 - Preparación a la acreditación, recibirás una Titulación Certificada que acreditará tu formación.
Duración en horas: 90 horas
1 Unit 1 - Verb to be - There is - there are - Adjetivos posesivos - Pronombres interrogativos
1.1 Presentations
1.2 Alphabet
1.3 Nouns
1.4 Adjetives Nationality
1.5 Verb to be
1.6 The indefinite article
1.7 Possesive adjetives
1.8 There is - There are
1.9 Presentation
1.10 Listening
1.11 Make true sentences
1.12 Tick the correct sentences
1.13 Listening and writing
1.14 Numbers
1.15 Writing
1.16 Grammar practice
1.17 Self Evaluation Exercises
1.18 Complete the conversation
1.19 Write sentences using the following words
1.20 Write about the people
1.21 Questions with questions words
1.22 Making negatives
1.23 Write the long forms
1.24 Possessive adjectives
1.25 Countries and nationalities
1.26 Vocabulary and Pronunciation
1.27 Complete the sentences
1.28 Questions about yourself
1.29 Write about a person in your family
1.30 Complete the conversation
1.31 Write a short description
1.32 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1
2 Unit 2 - Formas interrogativas y negativas - Verb to have to - Saxon genitive - plural de sustantivos
2.1 Address abbreviations
2.2 Plural nouns
2.3 Listening
2.4 Verb to have got
2.5 Qualifying adjectives
2.6 Saxon genitive
2.7 Listening
2.8 Write sentences explaining the relationship
2.9 Vocabulary
2.10 Asking for Personal Information
2.11 Reading practice
2.12 Listening and speaking
2.13 Listening - Phone numbers
2.14 Grammar practice
2.15 Answer the questions
2.16 Write sentences as in the example
2.17 Complete the sentences
2.18 Listening
2.19 Write suitable questions
2.20 Short answers
2.21 Write the short forms
2.22 Write the long forms
2.23 A family tree
2.24 Possessive
2.25 Writing
2.26 Listening
2.27 Write a short composition
2.28 Writing
2.29 Complete the conversation
2.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2
3 Unit 3 - Presente simple - formas interrogativas - pronombres personales - adjetivos posesivos
3.1 Ways to ask for time
3.2 Ways of telling time
3.3 Other expresions about time
3.4 What time is it
3.5 Present Simple
3.6 Vocabulary
3.7 Spelling rules
3.8 Choose the right option
3.9 Tick the correct sentences
3.10 Vocabulary
3.11 Jobs
3.12 Finish the definitions
3.13 Different things for different people
3.14 Reading and listening
3.15 Complete the sentences
3.16 Write sentences
3.17 Fill in the application
3.18 Questions and Negatives
3.19 Listening
3.20 Write questions
3.21 Personal pronouns
3.22 Complete the sentences
3.23 Grammar practice
3.24 Complete the sentences
3.25 Write the questions
3.26 Complete the dialogues
3.27 Write short answers
3.28 Complete the sentences
3.29 Correct the sentences
3.30 Daily Routines
3.31 Read the text and substitute
3.32 Write a short composition
3.33 Read and complete the sentences
3.34 Writing
3.35 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3
4 Unit 4 - Conjugación Presente simple - formas interrogativas - artículos indefinidos y definidos
4.1 Pardon, Sorry and Excuse
4.2 Simple Present
4.3 Verbos like - love - hate
4.4 The weather expressions
4.5 Verbs and exppressions to talk about you like
4.6 Watch the video and read the script
4.7 True or False
4.8 Correct the previous false sentences
4.9 What pet do you like best
4.10 Listening
4.11 Indefinite article
4.12 Definite article
4.13 Day life. Reading and listening
4.14 Fill in the gaps
4.15 Listening
4.16 Now you ask Charles some questions
4.17 Present Simple summary
4.18 Language in use
4.19 Uso del verbo play
4.20 Correct these sentences
4.21 Vocabulary practice
4.22 Write Play or Go
4.23 Listening
4.24 Listening and speaking practice
4.25 Complete the sentences
4.26 Write a question for each of the following answers
4.27 Write questions and answers
4.28 Look at Sheila and George again
4.29 Write five sentences
4.30 Complete this conversation
4.31 Listening and speaking
4.32 Complete with a suitable form of the verb be or do
4.33 Rewrite sentences using the correct article
4.34 Vocabulary
4.35 Find a suitable verb for each of the definitions
4.36 There is one mistake in each sentence
4.37 Answer these questions about yourself
4.38 Make sentences as in the example
4.39 Write a few more similar sentences about yourself
4.40 Study Box
4.41 Study the above and answer these questions about yourself
4.42 Writing
4.43 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4
5 Unit 5 - there is - there are - preposiciones de lugar - some, any - adjetivos demostrativos
5.1 Homophones words
5.2 Public establishments and shop
5.3 Parts of a house
5.4 Grammar Help Box
5.5 Some - Any
5.6 Grammar practice
5.7 Prepositions of place
5.8 Look up these words in a dictionary
5.9 Complete the description of the room
5.10 Demostrative adjectives
5.11 Read
5.12 Reading comprehension check
5.13 Listening
5.14 Draw a map of the area where you live
5.15 Watch the video then read the dialogue
5.16 Answer the questions
5.17 Writing practice
5.18 Vocabulary practice
5.19 Fill in the blanks
5.20 Grammar practice
5.21 Give the names of the buildings
5.22 Vocabulary practice
5.23 Write the questions for the answers below
5.24 Say which are right and which are wrong
5.25 Look at the picture below
5.26 Reading
5.27 Answer the following questions using full sentences
5.28 Writing
5.29 Fill in the blanks
5.30 Put the sentences below in the right order
5.31 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5
6 Unit 6 - present continuous - pronombres posesivos - adjetivos posesivos
6.1 Verbs dressing
6.2 Write the opposites of these adjectives
6.3 Possessive pronouns
6.4 The Present Continuous Tense
6.5 Listening
6.6 Comprehension check
6.7 Writing
6.8 Read the following sentences
6.9 Read the following article
6.10 Label the different parts of the body
6.11 Describe the people in the pictures
6.12 Louise lost her luggage at the airport
6.13 Clothes and accesories
6.14 Present Simple or Present Continuous
6.15 Each sentence has a mistake
6.16 Going shopping
6.17 Differences between pictures A and B
6.18 Grammar practice
6.19 Put the words in the right order
6.20 Complete with a suitable possessive adjective or pronoun
6.21 Finish the sentences with the Present
6.22 Write a composition describing yourself
6.23 Write a composition on one of the following topics
6.24 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6
7 Unit 7 - Verbo can - pasado del verbo to be
7.1 Vocabulary related to the airport
7.2 El verbo Can
7.3 Could
7.4 El pasado del verbo to be
7.5 Watch the video then read the script
7.6 Write about classmates
7.7 Reading and writing
7.8 Reading
7.9 Write full sentences
7.10 Fill in the blanks
7.11 Reading
7.12 True or false sentences
7.13 Preposition of time
7.14 Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B
7.15 Grammar practice
7.16 Listening
7.17 Language in use
7.18 Vocabulary practice
7.19 Complete the paragraph
7.20 Write out the questions for the following answers
7.21 Grammar practice
7.22 There is a mistake in each of the following sentences
7.23 Complete the sentences
7.24 Write the right preposition
7.25 Complete the statements
7.26 Vocabulary practice
7.27 Write a short composition
7.28 Language in use
7.29 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7
8 Unit 8 - past simple- verbos regulares e irregulares - preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo
8.1 Celebrations
8.2 Popular celebrations
8.3 Rooms types in a hotel
8.4 The Past Simple Tense
8.5 A Business Trip
8.6 Comprehension check
8.7 Answer the following questions
8.8 Vocabulary practice
8.9 Listen and fill in the gaps
8.10 Grammar practice
8.11 Substitute the underlined verbs
8.12 List of Irregular Verbs
8.13 Change the following sentences
8.14 Grammar practice
8.15 Insert the necessary words to complete the text
8.16 Match the first part of the sentences
8.17 Finish the sentences with a suitable time expression
8.18 Holiday Vocabulary
8.19 Reading
8.20 Grammar practice
8.21 Vocabulary practice
8.22 Give the past simple form of the following verbs
8.23 Write five sentences in the past simple
8.24 Answer the following questions
8.25 Writing
8.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8
9 Unit 9 - verbo like - would like - could - would - some y any
9.1 Typical shops
9.2 Courtesies
9.3 Verb like and would like
9.4 Some y Any
9.5 Countable and uncountable nouns
9.6 How many - How much
9.7 Language in use
9.8 Grammar practice
9.9 Fill in the blanks
9.10 Dictionary
9.11 Now write sentences as in the example
9.12 Reading and listening
9.13 Martin goes to the greengrocer
9.14 Ordering a meal
9.15 Grammar practice
9.16 Writing and listening
9.17 Complete and study the following expressions
9.18 Watch the video and complete the dialogue
9.19 Vocabulary
9.20 Choose the correct sentence
9.21 Writing and listening
9.22 Now correct the following sentences
9.23 Translate the sentences into your own language
9.24 Answer the following questions
9.25 Writing
9.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 9
9.27 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final
El nivel A1 corresponde al primer nivel en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés, es decir, aquellos capaces de comunicarse en situaciones cotidianas con expresiones de uso frecuente y utilizando vocabulario elemental. Este nivel es parte de los 6 niveles de referencia del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL), que define y explica los diferentes niveles de habilidad oral y escrita en el idioma (6 niveles de referencia y tres bloques: nivel básico o A, independiente o B y competente o C que se dividen a su vez en dos subniveles, 1 y 2).
Las competencias lingüísticas que una persona con nivel A1 posee incluyen la capacidad de comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas muy comunes y frases sencillas para
satisfacer necesidades inmediatas. También pueden presentarse a sí mismos y a otros, pedir y brindar información personal básica sobre su hogar, sus pertenencias y las personas que
conocen. Además, pueden establecer una comunicación elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable de manera clara y lenta y esté dispuesto a colaborar.
"Este curso de nivel A1 de inglés es perfecto para aquellos que están empezando su aprendizaje del idioma. Ofrece una base sólida en las expresiones y
vocabulario básicos, lo que es esencial para comunicarse."
Manuela Saura ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"El enfoque en la comprensión y el uso de expresiones y frases sencillas es muy útil para los principiantes. Me ha ayudado a desarrollar la confianza necesaria para hablar inglés en situaciones simples de la vida diaria."
Camila Brito⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"El contenido es muy accesibles y fáciles de seguir, lo que lo hace ideal para aquellos con diferentes niveles de conocimiento previo, además muy comodo estudiar a través del aula virtual."
Ismael Tellez⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Aula virtual abierta 24 horas al día.
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